Remember, when using a diaphragm or cervical cap for barrier contraception a spermicide or contraceptive gel MUST be used.
As official UK distributors we always have fresh stock with the longest shelf life/expiry date. With over ten years hands on experience of coaching, advising and promoting Contragel you can feel confident that any questions you have will be answered with precision and discretion.
For generations Nonoxynol 9 (N9) was the active ingredient in 'traditional' spermicides, very very effective killing the sperm dead. Unfortunately it's so powerful that it can kill skin cells too which in some cases is noticed with an itchy sensation. This can be off putting during moments of intimacy and can cause users to turn away from barrier contraception.
By being a new, natural alternative to 'traditional' spermicides, ContraGel makes barrier contraception an easier option for couples. Possible itchiness which can sometimes be casued by using traditional Nonoxynol 9 based spermicide can be a distraction when pleasure should be the focus. And since both of you have your most sensitive parts exposed to the substance, opting for a natural alternative is twice as important.
We are Ethical Family Living Limited, an ethical, British company. We focus on providing a thoughtful and reliable service to our UK based customers. To do this we don't play games with our pricing and we treat our customers with dignity and respect. We do not export outside of the UK.